I can remember a time when I didn’t really tell people or even talk about the fact that I did coupons. Â I admit I was afraid of the stipulation that it put on not only me but on my husband and how we provide for our family. Â Thank goodness I’ve grown, and so has my family. Â Through couponing I have been able to save on our family budget. Â I have been able to show my kids how God can bless through honest work and preparation and answered prayer. Â So the reasons for my couponing have changed quite a bit over the years. Â Some of these reasons are: Because God has given me the ability and resources to be a good steward of our income. Because it still does help the family budget. Because my kids are learning how to stick to a budget, and more importantly how God answers prayers. Â Just to name a few.
Why am I lumping couponing with God answering prayers? I’ll give you a couple of examples. We recently found out about a need in our community. Â But at that point in our lives, going and giving a lump of cash was going to be a little difficult. Â After asking God how I could I help, He sent an idea while I was cutting out coupons. Â “Put together a couple of meals.” Â Once we arrived at the grocery store my oldest daughter and I prayed that God would help us find some really good sales to fulfill this need. Â God answered the prayer in a huge way. Â We were able to put together more than we thought. Â My child saw that God is in the business of answering prayers, and what a little faith in His answers will do. Â I saw how God is concerned even about the small things, and that if I will simply ask Him, He will show me how to share what’s already His. Â I also saw that God pursues and wants my children to know Him. Â The blessing was the look on my daughter’s face when I explained what a good deal we had found!
Now, we are on a new endeavor with our church in our community, and recently I had prayed that God would help me be brave and establish relationships with people that I could share His love with. Â That very day, two different women stopped me in the grocery store to ask about my coupon book. Â One of them I see often in the grocery store, and we are now on a first name basis. I’m praying that God will further establish that relationship.
So am I embarrassed about my coupons now? Absolutely not! Â Would I love to not need to do them at times? Â Absolutely yes! But I wouldn’t take anything for the people that I have met, who have said “Please show me how you do that.” Apparently God has a different plan than my just learning to be good at using coupons.
I must clarify that I am not the best couponer. Â I know people who save much more than I do. But I will say that I will continue trusting the Lord that His plan is not just about my budget or my learning to be a steward, but about sharing His love with a lost and dying world.