I’m in the moment between awake and asleep and I’m realizing that I have slept a little too long this morning. Brandon is kissing me good-bye to leave for work, so now I know I need to go ahead and get awake.  I’m thinking I love Thursdays – no where to go, nothing pressing. A few minutes later Brandon is back telling me the bug man is here andYes, we built it.waiting outside.  OK, now I’m up going down hall and putting on pants at the same time, calling for the girls.  I tell them to get everything off the floor of their bedrooms so the bug man can spray. So fast forward a tad –

I made the beds, ate breakfast, cleaned up breakfast, started school, built a train track for Logan, taught piano lessons, helped with Language, checked Math, taught History, rebuilt a train track with Logan, got a battery for the train, checked email, sorted laundry, played with the train track with Logan, checked comprehension on reading with each of the girls, helped Logan pick up the train track, ran to the bank, stopped by the post office,  stopped by Kroger, unloaded groceries, put in the next load of clothes, returned phone calls, checked email, tried to read my Bible study, built towers with Logan, put some things in storage, checked more school work, folded a load of laundry and then……..

I made lunch.

I guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t have a “to do” list for today.  I love laid back Thursdays.


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