I had the first set of three sets of shots last Friday.  I had the first Hep A and B and Yellow Fever. The Yellow Fever caused my legs to ache something awful for about 3 days.  I have to get the second Hep A and B and Thyphoid this week.  Then in two weeks I will get the third Hep A and B and Meningococcal Meningitis.  My prayer request is that these subsequent shots won’t make me sick.

I thought Meningitis was like the Chickenpox, if you have had it you are more immune to it.  Well this is not true, in some cases you are more susceptible to getting Meningitis again if you have already had it.  I had Meningitis in college and I’d really like to NOT get it again. I realize this shot is to protect from that, but please pray with me for God’s protection over this.  It’s not a huge fear but it’s been in the back of my mind since I found this out on Friday.

And I’m still on the fundraising trail.   It seems like cost keep popping up that I wasn’t expecting when I said I would go – like the cost of prescriptions that I must take with me.

Then again, if I’m truly honest about this, had I known every cost involved before I said yes to God, I might have said no.  You know, come to think about it, He already knew this about me and that’s why I’m just now finding out some of the costs.  So we are back to God’s whisper “Are you going to believe me or not?”

Sometimes I have to laugh (to keep from getting frustrated) at the number of times I tell my 3 year old to do something before he gets it.  God must be having a good chuckle right now at my expense.

I do appreciate your prayers and your willingness to take this journey with me.  Much love!


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