Today my heart is heavy. I have been on the verge of tears all day.  I am finally at the end of the day where I can be alone with my thoughts and my heart.

I read about orphanges being closed.  I read about Ugandan men or women who suddenly die and then all their children are orphans.  Who comforts them? Who takes them in? Does anyone feed them? Does anyone know they have been left alone?  The answer to all the questions is God.  There are many problems and I am under no illusions that we are going to solve those problems with one mission trip to Uganda.  But God has the answers.  And what we will do will help some of them.  So today I’m trying to help my heart be ok to help the ones I know I can help and leave the rest up to God.

Because I’m honest when I say, “I don’t understand, Lord.”  And at the same time, I know there are things I am not meant to understand.  “His plans for us are not to harm us but plans for a hope and a future.” Jer. 29:11  His plan for a hope for these children is a God-sized hope because the things that these kids deal with are things that would put many adults simply out of commission emotionally. God is my Rock, my Refuge, and my Strength. God is ___________ (orphan’s name) Rock, and Refuge, and strength. He knows each of their names and I praise Him for that.

On the praise side of things – our Pastor, Jay, and his wife Tanya left today to go to another county to pick up the little boy that they are adopting.  Many people from our church wrote verses and cards to send with them to read on their trip.  My sweet friend, LeighAnn, showed me a verse that she found to write on their card and it has been all I have been able to read today.

Ps. 68:4-6

“Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds – his name is the Lord – and rejoice before him. 5 A Father to the Fatherless, a defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling. 6 God set the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.”

You can see how this verse applies to the praise of a little boy receiving a family and how it applies to the orphans who have no where to go.  I’m so glad that God is God, but this feels too much for my heart at the moment.

He is planting things in my heart and I need your prayers that He will clarify what that is and that I will trust Him and obey Him.

Much Love!


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