I love making the simplest of activities fun for young children.  When Kindergartners came to music today, I had two very simple but fun games waiting on them.  We practiced our introductory pitches thanks to Shelley Tomich at Pitch Publications. I use Pitch Hill Method for Teaching Solfege.

In Kindergarten we are learning the names of the notes. So today we played games where we had to identify the names of the notes. One was Just Noting it Out!

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Each child drew three ping pong balls from a bin. As they sorted them into the correct pan, they had to call the name of the note. I had enough for everyone to draw three or four each.  After all of the balls were sorted, using an egg carton, we made rhythms with just Quarter Notes and Quarter Rest.

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We had fun with this simply little game. The time it took to write the notes on the ping pong balls was worth it.




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