Movin’ & Groovin’ Part 2

In Moovin’ and Groovin’ Part 1, we talked about General Movement tips and Fun movement. Now, we will look at purposeful movements and how this benefits our students. Purposeful Movements Excercise. Movement, especially those to Read more…

FREE Workshop

Join us Tuesday evening at 7 pm (CST) on Facebook Live for a FREE Music Room Solutions Workshop. In this class we will learn… A fun and free music game. How to adapt the game Read more…

Exciting News

I am so excited about what is new at Music Mom. Next Tuesday tune in to the Facebook page.  More information to come a little later this week. Whether you are a Music Teacher, or Read more…

Movin’ & Groovin’ Part 1

General Movements Know the maturity of your age group. Gross and fine motor skills develop at different ages. For instance, Most Kindergarten students can not skip, however fourth graders can. There are huge differences between Read more…

Music Class LOVES Winter

                                               Winter is a great time to make much ado of music activities Read more…

Pentatonic Hymns

Here is a list of pentatonic hymns and some that are simply harmony hymns that can be used in choir.  These can be used with voices, bells, boomwhackers, or any other pitched instruments. Jesus Loves Read more…

I Want FREE Products!!!!!

I want FREE products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That what it looks like my son is saying here.  Actually, he pitched a fit to get on the “wo wo” with Daddy.  So I put him up there and when my Read more…


This is my birthday month as well as my 4th Anniversary of being Cancer FREE!!!!!!!  This is not some big marketing ploy, I want to celebrate and to do so in every aspect of my Read more…