Singing Sticks are great when working with singing, melody, scales, intervals, harmony, and much more. Many of you have asked how you can make your Singing Sticks COVID safe? I have tried wiping them off with a wipe and the ink did not smear. I wiped them again many more times and it didn’t smear, and then school started back. Once I saw how many times a day I have to wipe off desks, and other things in the classroom, I began to think a little differently about the Singing Sticks.
Even though the ink doesn’t seem to be bothered with a few wipes, over time it could fade a bit. I tried several different things and the best solution of all that I found is to spray the sticks with a spray clear coat. I lightly sanded them so that they would be smooth. Now I am wiping them off several times a day and I am certain the ink is protected.
A spray clear coat or varnish is fairly inexpensive. You can find it at WalMart or any home improvement store. Here is a link to the one I used. When you sand, use a medium to fine grade of sand paper. You only need to lightly sand the sticks to make them smooth.
If you don’t have your own set, you can find Singing Sticks here to order.
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